The design of the house somewhat propagates Epsilon’s Endeavour of meeting end user needs coupled with an interesting design experience. Situated in Salt Lake City, Kolkata, the towering look of the structure owing to a minimized viewing distance was blurred by offsetting the uppermost floor making way for a covered terrace. Designing the structure with the interior paved the way for creating some interesting spaces withcutouts as vertical connections and a stair, elaborately designed, being the central focal point of the residence, aesthetically.

Meant for a family of four, the formal areas and the kitchen occupy the first floor level with the bedrooms, entertainment areas located on the upper two floors. Avoiding the somewhat “stark” look that arises out of modernist influences, the rather plain interior marries the neo classical furniture optimizing warmth and enriching the overall look. Thus, white and beige painted walls contrast the burnt dark veneer; the beige marble forms a subtle backdrop to the dark leather sofa. Accentuating openness, the large cutouts also act as “light wells” bathing the entire house in the soft northern & eastern light all throughout the day.

Location: BF Block, Saltlake, Kolkata

Area: 6000 Sq/ft
Year of completion: 2012